Litigation in Turkey: Disputes Resolution Service

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Litigation in Turkey

Litigation is a way of resolving a dispute through courts. If the right holder’s request does not yield results or if he thinks that making a request will not benefit him/her, he/she applies to the judiciary for the protection of his right. This authority of the right holder is called the right of litigation.

Civil litigation are divided into three according to the Civil Procedure Code. These are declaratory cases, action of performance cases and constitutive cases.

Commercial litigation, real estate litigation, family law litigation and labor lawsuits are included in civil litigation.

litigation in turkey attorneys


Litigation Process in Turkey

The litigation process consists of five stages. The first of these stages is the exchange of petitions. In the simple trial procedure, only the lawsuit petition and the reply petition are included. In the written trial procedure, there are a lawsuit petition, a reply petition, a replication petition and a second reply petition.

The second stage is the preliminary examination hearing. The third stage is the investigation stage. At this stage, evidence is collected. The fourth stage is the verbal judgment stage. The final stage is the judgment stage.

  • Advantages of litigation are;
    Litigation is conducted through the courts and becomes part of the public record.
  • The judge’s decision has permanent legal force and is binding on all parties.
  • All the processes are carried out formally by an official state agency.

Foreigners may need certain legal permits to be able to live in Turkey. For those who only want to visit Turkey for touristic purposes, applying for a visa may be sufficient. However, a visa will only grant a short-term stay in Turkey.

Foreigners who wish to live in Turkey for a long time will need to apply for a residence permit or a work permit.

At BAL Law Firm, we handle the legal permit applications, including residence and work permits, for our foreign clients under the scope of Foreigners and Citizenship Law. 

However, foreigners living in Turkey with legal permits may also face some legal risks due to not fulfilling certain obligations. These may include visa violations, deportation sanctions, administrative supervision sanctions, entry bans to Turkey, and administrative fines.


Litigation Courts in Turkey

Civil cases in Turkey are primarily heard in the civil courts of first instance and the civil courts of peace. However, there are also courts established by special laws that only deal with their area. These courts; commercial courts, labor courts, family courts, intellectual and industrial rights law courts, consumer courts, cadastral courts and enforcement law courts.

Commercial Litigation

A commercial litigation is which both parties are merchants and the dispute arises from matters related to the commercial business of both parties or is a non-contentious jurisdiction of commercial nature. If one of the parties is not a trader or if the dispute is not related to the commercial enterprise although he is a trader, the existence of a commercial lawsuit cannot be mentioned.

Commercial litigations are divided into three groups: absolute commercial cases, relative commercial cases, and cases that are considered commercial in nature even though they relate only to a commercial enterprise.

Commercial cases are heard in the commercial court of first instance.

Corporate law and business law cases are also included in commercial litigation. Corporate law and business law cases are heard in the commercial court of first instance.

Commercial litigation requires expertise and experience. For this reason, you should work with a Turkish law firm who knows this business very well for your commercial cases in Turkey. BAL Law Firm is a very experienced law firm İstanbul in commercial litigation and will help you every step of the way and solve your problems.

Real Estate Litigation

A commercial litigation is which both parties are merchants and the dispute arises from matters related to the commercial business of both parties or is a non-contentious jurisdiction of commercial nature. If one of the parties is not a trader or if the dispute is not related to the commercial enterprise although he is a trader, the existence of a commercial lawsuit cannot be mentioned.

Commercial litigations are divided into three groups: absolute commercial cases, relative commercial cases, and cases that are considered commercial in nature even though they relate only to a commercial enterprise.

Commercial cases are heard in the commercial court of first instance.

Corporate law and business law cases are also included in commercial litigation. Corporate law and business law cases are heard in the commercial court of first instance.

Commercial litigation requires expertise and experience. For this reason, you should work with a Turkish law firm who knows this business very well for your commercial cases in Turkey. BAL Law Firm is a very experienced law firm İstanbul in commercial litigation and will help you every step of the way and solve your problems.

Family Law Litigation

Family litigation are heard in family court. Cases heard in family court are divorce case, property regime case, paternity cases, adoption case, custody case, alimony case and guardianship case.

Tax Litigation Services

Tax law is the branch of law that regulates legal disputes between the state and individuals due to tax debt. Taxx litigation are lawsuits that help to ensure the balance of interests between the state and individuals. Tax litigation are heard in tax courts.

If you have been notified of any tax penalty, we recommend that you consult a tax litigation advocate within the period. BAL Law firm also provides tax litigation services.

Labor Lawsuit

Labor lawsuits are heard in labor courts. Simple trial procedure is applied. Before a labor lawsuit can be filed, the parties must resort to mediation. Labor lawsuits are reemployment lawsuits, service determination lawsuits, labor claims lawsuits.


Business Life in Turkey

In order for foreigners to work in Turkey, they need to obtain a work permit either through an employment contract as an employee-employer relationship or as a shareholder or manager of a company.

Foreigners who obtain a work permit do not need to obtain a separate residence permit. Therefore, a work permit also provides an opportunity to live in Turkey.

BAL Law Firm provides legal services to foreign clients who want to open a company in Turkey and in their commercial activities. 


Obtaining Turkish Citizenship

The easiest way to live in Turkey is to obtain Turkish citizenship. Turkish citizenship provides the opportunity to live in all cities of Turkey for as long as desired. In addition, obtaining Turkish citizenship also comes with all the rights granted to citizens of the Republic of Turkey.

Acquiring Turkish citizenship can be done through general conditions such as lineage, marriage, and uninterrupted residence. In addition, it is also possible to obtain citizenship through investment in Turkey through exceptional means. As BAL Law Firm, we provide legal services to our foreign clients for real estate purchase or investment purposes in Turkey. 

Learn more about our publications in the field of Immigration Lawyer. 


Litigation Process Articles in Turkey


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    Our goal is to help our clients resolve legal disputes as efficiently and effectively as possible, while minimizing the emotional and financial toll. If you’re facing a legal dispute, contact BAL Law Firm to learn more about how our litigation and dispute resolution services can help.


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