Health Tourism Law Firm in Turkey

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BAL Law Firm: Health Tourism Law Firm in Turkey

As BAL Law Firm, we provide legal consultancy services to international health tourism health facilities, international health tourism agencies, and insurance companies.

health tourism law firm in istanbul turkey


We know the legal needs of Health Tourism Companies

Turkey offers healthcare services at world standards in the field of health tourism. However, we know that companies providing health tourism services in Turkey face many legal issues. While attention is paid to customer satisfaction, unacceptable demands from patients also entail legal risks. Therefore, companies providing health tourism services need legal advice. We meet these needs with our Health Tourism Law Firm services.

In addition, companies providing health tourism services in Turkey have obligations to the government. Regulations about health tourism companies are expanding every day. Furthermore, administrative sanctions against obligations are increasing.

Some of the employees of companies providing international health tourism services are foreign. The work permit applications of foreign company employees should also be legally followed.

It is important not to forget legal proceedings and debt claims with the employees of health tourism companies. With warning letters, mediation applications, and lawsuits, the focus of company executives is also becoming more difficult.

Contracts with hospitals/clinics and contracts that need to be made with patients play an important role in the legal services that health tourism companies need. It should be explained well that the health tourism agency does not have a treatment obligation towards patients. However, the responsibilities that the laws impose on health tourism companies should also be fulfilled.


How to Estabilish A Health Tourism Company in Turkey?​

A health tourism company can be established as a limited company or joint-stock company. There is no restriction on the type of company.

When establishing a health tourism company, attention should be paid to whether the company will operate as an international health tourism healthcare facility or as an international health tourism intermediary.

Generally, when referring to a health tourism company, an intermediary or agency is meant. However, a company that operates as a healthcare facility in health tourism can also directly contact international health tourists like an agency.

The opening of a health tourism company is no different from general company openings. However, there are features that distinguish a health tourism company from a standard tourism company. Therefore, legal services provided by a Health Tourism Law Firm during the establishment of a health tourism company can help reduce your legal risks.

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Health Tourism Company Contracts

Health tourism companies will need basic contracts during their activities. These contracts can be limited as the contract between “the patient and the health tourism company“, and the contract between “the hospital and the health tourism company“.

Contracts are essential in health tourism because if the company operates as an intermediary/agency, the patient is expected to distinguish between the service provider and the company. To prevent legal risks, the patient and health tourism company contract should include clauses such as disclaimer of liability, legal obligations and rights, invoicing, treatment process, applicable law because the patient is a foreigner, and evidence agreement.

There will also be a contract between the health tourism intermediary/agency and the hospital. This contract should accurately convey the standards and responsibilities of the healthcare services that will be applied to the referred patient.

Contracts will determine the limits of the services provided by the health tourism company. Therefore, rejecting requests that are not mentioned in the service scope from the beginning and the execution of the process will become easier.

The better the legal procedures and contracts of the health tourism company, the lower the risk of disputes and lawsuits.

The health tourism law firm will provide legal services not only during the establishment of the company but also focusing on the company’s activities.


Management of Health Tourism Company

The management of a health tourism company may differ significantly from that of an ordinary commercial company.

The fact that the shareholders are foreign, some of the employees are foreign, and the customers to whom services are provided are foreign, as well as the regulatory requirements introduced for health tourism and health services, can make management challenging.

As BAL Law Firm, we offer our expertise in the areas of companies and commercial law through our health tourism law firm legal services in the health tourism sector.


We offer specialized legal services for Health Tourism companies in Turkey.​

BAL Law Firm offers Health Tourism Law Firm services, providing all necessary legal counseling and dispute resolution services for health tourism companies, including company formation, meeting the necessary criteria for international health tourism authorization applications, compliance with laws, company management, contracts with patients and hospitals, contracts with employees, and reducing legal risks.


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